Whisper's Magical Children's Hospital and Maternity ✨

Hello! Whisper is a very high impact charity that funds Whisper's Magical Children's Hospital and Maternity in Jinja, Uganda 🇺🇬. There's a children's hospital 🧒🏽, a maternity unit 🤰🏽, a free ambulance service 🚑, and a nursing school 👩‍⚕️, all running on an annual donation budget of around $325,000.

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If you want your charity giving to achieve as much as possible, you've come to the right place. 🙌

Here are just some of the treatments that people like YOU helped the hospital to do in financial year 2022-23. Many of these children might not have survived without help from people like YOU. 🧒🏽💖

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🩸 Blood transfusions 1,327
🍎 Malnourished patients 743
👶🏾 Total number of patients 11,429
💰 Donations received for hospital running costs $323,005
💵 Average donation per patient $28.26
🧚🏾 Average donation per life saved that would not otherwise have been saved $363

Exchange rate used: £1=$1.30

🙌 Testimonial

See what Jessa, an American living in Jinja, has to say about Whisper:

  • {snippet translate|Baby with octopus|Dítě s chobotnicí|Baby mit Oktopus|}
    Baby with octopus

    The octopus was hand-knitted in Sweden and it is said to remind young babies of the umbilical cord.

  • {snippet translate|Main Operating Theatre|Hlavní operační sál|Hauptoperationssaal|Main Operating Theater}
    Main Operating Theater
  • {snippet translate|Sleeping patient|Spící pacient|Schlafender Patient|}
    Sleeping patient
  • {snippet translate|Delivery Room|Porodní pokoj|Entbindungszimmer|}
    Delivery Room
  • {snippet translate|Hospital classroom|Učebna v nemocnici|Klassenzimmer im Krankenhaus|}
    Hospital classroom

    Patients and the staff's children can go to school in the hospital without leaving the building

📽️ A short video introduction to Whisper

Made in 2022, 12mins


⭐ Whisper aims for excellence through partnerships in training and research

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❤️ Caring is what we do. Find out what we care about

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