Whisper in Media

See what the media are saying about Whisper


Watchdog Uganda (a Ugandan news site) 24 July 2023

Whisper’s Magical Children’s Hospital gets new state of the art Ambulance

ChimpReports (a Ugandan news site) 16 June 2022

Jinja: Czech National, Veronica Cejpkova, is Giving Infants Second Chances at Life

Baba TV visits Whisper's hospital 17 April 2020

Baba TV is a local (Busoga Region) TV station and they ran a news feature during the Covid-19 lockdown on the difficulties people had in accessing hospital care. Whisper provided free transport throughout this period. An English language transcript is available here

The Observer (a Ugandan newspaper), 16 January 2019

Govt should quickly address specialist care at regional hospitals

Red Pepper (a Ugandan newspaper) March 2016

First Children's Hospital in Jinja Opened

New Vision (one of Uganda’s two main national newspapers) March 2016

Saturday Vision story inspires a children's hospital

New Vision 25 April 2013

Whisper resuscitates hope for children in jigger-infested communities, Shamilla Kara