Spenden sammeln mit Whisper!

Sponsored events and challenges

Photo of Mount Kilimanjaro
Mount Kilimanjaro, highest mountain in Africa

Some of our supporters have climbed Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money for Whisper. If you do climb Mount Kilimanjaro and you have time, come and visit us in Uganda!

For fundraisers who are taking part in sponsored running, we can provide striking running vests. Whisper supporters have run in the London Marathon and other races.

You can set up an online fundraiser for Whisper with GlobalGiving. On GlobalGiving's website, choose one of Whisper's projects, then go down the project page to the "Start a fundraiser" button)

Other fundraising ideas

We have experience of various kinds of fundraising; feel free to contact us to discuss your ideas and we'll help where we can. Here are some suggestions:

  • garage sales
  • asking for donations for your birthday / holiday gifts / graduation / wedding
  • fundraising dinners and other parties (let us know if you want a speaker from Whisper, even if it's only via Skype!)
  • handmade products (knitting, crocheting, crafts). In the early days of Whisper, Veronika sold handmade socks on a market stall.
  • baking
  • putting a collection box in a shop or other public place